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Re: AACCKKK~I Hate Rules!

Subject: Re: AACCKKK~I Hate Rules!
Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 21:25:50 EDT
James wrote re Street Mod 2:
> i suppose it kinda becomes the "kit kars from hell" klass.

I responded: 
Gee, I thought that's what OSP was...

> not yet it isnt!!  :)
> i suppose im just looking for way not to have to change tires (i.e. slicks)
> at every event.  no place to park a trailer either!

I'm not sure there's a tire difference between SM and OSP...  Is there?  

So far, SM is for production cars only.  I'm guessing SM2 would be as well.  
OSP works on the local level, though the bar has been continually raised over 
the years.  I don't want to argue whether interiors should have been 
retained, glass remained as glass, etc., but Jack's bug is more exotic than 
lots of D and E/M cars...  

Within the confines of a class such as SM/SM2, I think allowing kit cars 
would be counter productive to allowing it to build as a National class.  If 
you start with cars that are a known quantity, it's easier to state what may 
and may not be modified from that standard (and also to exclude vehicles that 
you don't want in your class.  I'm guessing the guys with turboed or rotary 
Miatae would not want to run against a 3.5 litre Lotus 7, as an example.)  
Unfortunately, sometimes the people who determine classes have to figure out 
how to tick off the fewest number of people...

The only other option would be to establish minimum weights by displacement, 
then theoretically a 351 c.i. Cobra replica would have little advantage over 
a 350 c.i. Corvette at the same weight.  I'm guessing there would be some 
ballast required in a kit car in that engine size...  


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