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FW: Brian Angen

To: "Team. Net (E-mail)" <>
Subject: FW: Brian Angen
From: "Miller, Reginald R." <>
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2001 09:51:24 -0500
Forwarded by request.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Borden ATT []
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 7:18 PM
To: Team. Net (E-mail); Miller, Reginald R.
Cc: E.J. & Susan Fontaine
Subject: Re: Brian Angen

I am very saddened by this news.  I was lucky enough to be on Brian's team
at the Muscle Car Challenge this year.  His humble, childlike spirit was
wonderful to experience.  He truly was an awesome driver and I had no idea
he had a budding career with Panoz.  I was told mid-day through the first
day about his success with Panoz and I was very surprised.  Brian did not
come off with a cocky air or attitude.  I could tell he truly loved racing
and was happy to be behind the wheel of his mom's Viper.  I am very shocked
to read this news.  I pray for healing and peace for the Angen family.

Mary Borden
#94 OSPL

----- Original Message -----
From: Miller, Reginald R. <>
To: Team. Net (E-mail) <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 12:15 AM
Subject: FW: Brian Angen

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fred Kinder []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 12:10 AM
> To:; Miller, Reginald R.
> Subject: Brian Angen
> Hi Ray and Bill,
> Rocky and Terri Angen's son, Brian, died Sunday in an unfortunate boating
> accident on the Delta. Brian had raced in the Skip Barber series and most
> recently was racing a Panoz GT with the SCCA. He was considered by
> racing the Panoz to be the best.  He was recently photographed for an
> article to appear in two major racing magazines as one of the up and
> stars. Brian was a wonderful and talented young man who will truly be
> missed.  God, I pray you have a race program!
> Update:
> Very hard!
> Brian will be transported from the Delta area to the Darling Fischer
> Funeral in Los Gatos, Tuesday.  But no funeral arrangement have been made.
> As soon as we know the family plans we will let you know. Or you can
> contact the Mortuary directly.  It is my understanding that they will know
> first what the family plans after 5:00 Tuseday.
> Darling Fischer Mortuaries
> 615 N Santa Cruz Ave
> Los Gatos, CA (408) 354-7740
> Terri's and Rocky's address is:
> 1387 Vallejo Drive
> San Jose, CA  95130
> Fred

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