James Creasy wrote:
> you were very close to TTOD. you also paxed #1. i think only the OSP guys
> were faster scratch time.
Not quite, but that day seems to be rather fixed in your
memory, perhaps as a vision of things to come and now
happening over and over?
"In the seventh group top time of day, second fastest
on the day, third fastest, fifth fastest, and seventh
fastest went to the Open Street Prepared Class. Points
leader Tito Solis took the win by less than 2/100ths
over current Champion Archie Collantes. Mert Solis
maintained third in points with a third place over Bong
Solis and Gino Coscolluela. 23rd fastest time out of
240 entrants was good for 8th place turned in by Howell
Leung in the Creasy Cobra. That's Creasy as in James,
and the Cobra is quite clean looking."
Rich Urschel