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RE: Divisionals! Don't Put Off Entering!

To: "'Kelly, Katie'" <>,
Subject: RE: Divisionals! Don't Put Off Entering!
From: "Willis, Jane (410)" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 16:41:55 -0700
Katie writes:

>But the competition itself was in how loudly you could cheer for winning
>yet another prize. I graciously offered my services to claim Arie's
>prizes, because he's the bashful type, and I am, well, not. Larry Sharp,
>though, had the yeehaw down. He wins, in my opinion. My challenge was
>different though: I think I went up there maybe six times, and it was
>difficult coming up with a new act, but I tried hard. Fortunately, many of
>the prizes were the kind you could wear, so by the end, I was clothed in a
>very attractive costume, most of it purple.

Are you sure it wasn't DAY-TONA VI-O-LET?

Jane  :-)

Sorry, Barry, I just HAD to reply!  ;-)

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