Katie Kelly (kkelly@spss.com) said, in part:
> Copy Sac Chapter and get Station Markers...
I'm still very new to this, but I attended an SCCA event in
Sacramento last fall and wondered why everybody didn't use
that course-worker station setup.
The officials determine where course workers should be, not
the course workers themselves. (The latter way seems like
trouble when you realize that a lot of us newbies are making
this potentially important decision without the benefit of
experience.) Each station has a radio, a red flag, a fire
extinguisher, and a little sawhorse thingie with a station
number on it.
The result: Instead of clumps of six buddies hanging out
together in one spot that may or may not be anywhere near
areas most likely to need cones shagged, there are course
workers in places where experienced people think it's safe
and necessary.
People can be assigned to a specific station number as their
names are checked off of the worker list. And, although I
don't remember if this was done at the particular event I
attended, radios and fire extinguishers can have station
numbers attached to them for ease of accountability.
If there's a downside, I don't see it!
-Craig Haggart
Sunnyvale, California
'96 Miata M Edition