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Re: Autocross school?

Subject: Re: Autocross school?
From: Vernon Head <>
Date: 20 Dec 2000 11:58:44 -0800

I've been priviledged to work on the Autocross School for 4 years now, and I 
find it to be very helpful to drivers of all kinds. Any seat time is good, but 
the seat time the school provides is a chance to try some new methods that 
competition wouldn't normally allow. I don't know about you, but when I'm 
competing I revert back to what I am sure about (a National event is not a good 
time to try trail braking for the first time).

One widely held opinion is that you should try at least 2 or 3 events before 
taking a school. This does a couple of things. It allows you to get the basic 
feel of the sport before delving into more advanced techniques. It also helps 
us make sure that the school is catering to serious drivers. If you just want 
to try going fast one time then quit, go to Dual at De Anza. 

The 2001 school is being held at Golden Gate Fields. This is considerably 
smaller than 3Com, and will support fewer students than in the past. That's ok 
with me, because I think the schools have been too large anyway.

The schedule says April 28th. I will be soliciting help starting in January. 
We'll need setup people and lots of instructors (male and female). Teaching is 
a great way to learn, too. 

No, we're not taking applications just yet.


On Wednesday, December 20, 2000, Anthony Tabacco <> 
>Craig, your wife will absolutely positively not have a problem feeling
>comfortable at the annual SFR autox school. It is a very low key affair with
>pizza, soft drinks, and cookies thrown in for good measure. You will both
>get much better at using your car (you can share) by the end of the day. The
>price is less than half what others will charge for a day of one-on-one
>instruction. Next to hosting a couple of dozen top drawer solo 2 events each
>year, it is the best thing the autox community does. I wish we could do it
>twice during the year. The operative work here is "nice", and it might even
>hurt some ones feelings to think that a having a women instructor would make
>a difference. At our events, when you register you have to check your
>testosterone at the trailer anyway ( we keep an empty bin for that ) and
>secure it with your license until after your runs. OK? See you both there.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Craig Haggart, Accelerator Ops" <haggart@SLAC.Stanford.EDU>
>To: <>
>Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 1:17 AM
>Subject: Autocross school?
>> Hi gang,
>> I'm pretty new to autocrossing.  My wife has also expressed an
>> interest in trying it, but she wants to have some sort of
>> instruction first.  Specifically, she'd like a really friendly,
>> fun, low-key learning environment.  To her, that means women
>> instructors -- and maybe even an event tailored for total
>> newbies who aren't up to their eyballs in testosterone,
>> shrieking with glee as they fling their

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