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Re: A safety question

To:, "Darren P. Madams" <>
Subject: Re: A safety question
From: John Kelly <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 18:46:22 -0400

-------------------- Begin Original Message --------------------

Message text written by "Darren P. Madams"

"Not to mention if you do roll over you'll get glass everywhere!!!!  I'm 
sure that's more likely to cause harm than somebody sticking their hand 
out. "
-------------------- End Original Message --------------------

The premise behind the NCSCC rule is that if you roll the car, and it most
likely will happen to driver's left, the goal is to keep your arm inside
the car. In the '60s we had at least one broken arm because the
driver--involuntarily--stuck his arm out to break his fall. His brain did
not send the message quick enough that he had a 3000 pound car strapped to
his butt.
        When SCCA came into the picture, the requiremnent was to keep
windows open to avoid any inhalation of carbon monoxide. That's a rule from
road racing.

        As for inconsistent rule application and enforcement, that's a
perpetual problem in all sanctioning bodies.

--John Kelly

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