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Here's a fun thing to do...

To: "''" <>
Subject: Here's a fun thing to do...
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 10:18:02 -0700
I know everybody's worried about whom to vote for at the upcoming elections.
Watching the debates makes your choice that much harder. Well, I can't tell
you who the best candidate is, but might I offer a suggestion to at least
make the next debate more entertaining? Watch the debates with the sound
turned off. Last night, they split the screen, as I'm sure you noticed.
Probably, with the sound turned up, you were too busy listening to what the
candidates were saying. With the sound turned off, you could just sit and
watch their faces, as my Russian teacher and I did last night. I can't
recall laughing so hard. Between Bush's schoolboy, needy, whiny gestures,
and Gore's pseudo-charm (all much more evident with the sound turned off),
it doesn't help me make a decision, but it is, somehow, telling. I really
liked watching their reactions to the other's statements. Gore rolls his
eyes and smirks (total high school), and Bush acts like he's about to spit
up his coffee. It's like you don't even need to know what they are saying to
know what they are saying. Bush has an innocent and naive quality about him,
like he's been busted, sitting in the principle's office. I find it
endearing. At times, watching Gore, it looked as though he seemed confident
and sincere and knowledgable. Again, that was with the sound turned off. I'm
not thrilled imagining either of them conversing with other world leaders.

No autox content, yes, but I thought I'd just point it out.

Katie K.

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