Rich Urschel writes...
>I finally get this. You are talking about next year.
>Screen the newbie slackards out in their first
>year instead of their second. This is the "who do we
>retain" discussion that we have during the winter.
>Some of us thought you were talking about next month.
Whoa. Somehow, when I wrote these key expressions, a la, "long term," I
guess I didn't really expect anyone to understand that part. I'm pleasantly
Killer Pintos from Outer Space was a program frounded by Bob Hagin, the
syndicated automotive columnist. He brought out his highschool autoshop
class. They had about three or four project Pintos. I really don't know how
to put this mildly, but... the cars were heaps.
I thought it was pretty cool, myself, but I think it was also kind of a
disaster. I think Charlie can give you more information about it.
Sure, I'll chair a Slush event.