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Re: Turnouts

To: <>, "Dan Bratten" <>
Subject: Re: Turnouts
From: "Boris Elpiner" <>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2000 15:07:27 -0700
Dan Bratten wrote:

> I'm curious to know how attendance of all 200 (or only the 120-140) 
> to the same minimum 6-7 events and non-attendance to the remaining 
> events could be handled? If the majority loved GGF say, lived close, 
> and did not care for other sites something skewed could happen.
> If enough people were turned away from events that were full with the 
> pre-registered entrants wouldn't they be likely to not even try to 
> enter the events that had few pre-registered participants show up? 
> Could this lead to events where the site fee wasn't covered?

I can't see how that would happen, but we can always open the flood gates.


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