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NorPac Divisional Run/Work Update

To: Bay area list <>
Subject: NorPac Divisional Run/Work Update
From: Sean & Jeannine Breese <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 14:01:44 -0700
Well Andy has found a small glitch in the order, seems with that pesky
"Impound" all our drivers that should be working will be a little tied
up. SO,  see what happens when you try to have a meeting when Ken
Mitchell is sick....
NEW Order :

While I have your attention a few other items have popped up: This is
said/Typed with HUMOR and honest ribbing, I only chose the ones I
hoped could take it. HA HA The instances are real believe it or not.
Be assured All issues are being addressed.

1. George Fisk : if your listening we have already received "Protests"
on you running the Ladies class we regret to inform you we will have
to move you to the Open class at this time.

2. Kevin Lahey-   BS- "445"  Is a Big NO NO...
No number higher than 99 for a Single driver. Please say three hail
Mary's and contact Ralph.

3.  Rex Tener -AS-139...   You don't appear to have a second driver. 4
hail Mary's and       contact Ralph
3.5  Mike Lella -BM-131... See a pattern?  See above.

4. Vic Sias-BSP-139... No second driver?? You know better,  6 hail
Mary's!! Contact Ralph!

5.  Elise Geiger-BSP-139.... You are learning from Vic, so you get out
of Jail free this time.   Loose a 1 or 9 we don't care.

6. Kevin Stevins-SS-193...Doesn't appear to have a second driver. I am
sure Kevin is hiding something here from all you SS guys I would watch
him.... He Knows better about the No# we will hold off on his Hail
Mary's. I am sure he has an excuse.

This is just a taste of the pre event glitches. I am looking forward
to a great event!


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