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Re: Fwd: Re: Right turn challenged driver looking for tips

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Right turn challenged driver looking for tips
From: Kit Wetzler <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 11:17:20 -0700
Sounds dangerous...  "You were zero feet away from me." ;) 

Kevin Stevens wrote:
> Seems like a nice addition to a school...
> KeS
> >We did a school a while back where we had people stationed at apex cones
> >and as you went around them, they held up their hands to show how close or
> >far away you were. Sometimes it was a surprise to see that I was 3 feet off
> >the cone on a right turn. 3 feet off the cone will have a big impact on
> >your turn, as will your confidence.
> >Randy Chase (whose car is trying to turn right when going straight now)
> ________________________________________________________________________

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