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Re: Checkerefd Flag Stickers/Trophies/ Or A Check

To: <>,
Subject: Re: Checkerefd Flag Stickers/Trophies/ Or A Check
From: Scot Zediker <>
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2000 14:45:28 -0400 (EDT)
------Original Message------
From: "Mike Lella" <>
Sent: June 1, 2000 5:31:37 PM GMT
Subject: Re: Checkerefd Flag Stickers/Trophies/ Or A Check

With all the money flying around SFR, why could'nt we go with say, a $25.00
check instead of the stickers? If you guys used to give out trophies
instead, they certainly must have cost more than that. I'm trying to find a
way to justify writing this off on my taxes and my accountant says I'd have
to race for money (at least let there be incentive to win our entry fee
back for pete's sake!!!) This way we could consider ourselves

Hey, I LIKE this idea!  OTOH, it might encourage certain among us to seek out 
poorly subscribed classes just to cash in... ;) (hmmm, I could turbo my Miata 
and run EMod, Barry S doesn't bring the Europa out THAT often...)

Then again, I'm perfectly content to do this for free.  Or at least for no 
prize money ($6K for a car and ~$2.5K in upgrades isn't exactly free, is it?).


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