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RE: San Diego Tour and course lining

To: "'Alan Dahl'" <>,
Subject: RE: San Diego Tour and course lining
From: "Kelly, Katie" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 15:27:56 -0700
Hello all. I'm back from the Dallas Tour at the Texas Motor Speedway.
Finally. The flight back took about a day. More on that another time.

I'll just make it short but sweet. Roger Johnson, Nationals course designer
for almost a decade, had parts that were like a mini road course, there were
gates, there were slaloms, there were 297 entrants, there were many new
people, I don't recall anyone getting lost, but I do recall most everyone
saying how delighted they were with the course. It was fast and challenging
and anyone here from the Bay Area would have loved it, too. It was worth
going to Dallas for the courses alone.

The course was .8 of a mile long. I don't remember where the lines were.
There are thing worth paying close attention to, and chalk lines are not one
of them.

With all due respect, of course.


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