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Re: San Diego Tour and course lining

Subject: Re: San Diego Tour and course lining
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 01:19:01 PDT
I sure smacked more than my share - of particular note were the outside 
cones on the "dyno run" up and down the hill, where there was no particular 
reason to hit them.

I didn't know what was going on until Don posted his missive, but that makes 
more sense than any explanation I have...


>Subject: Re: San Diego Tour and course lining
>Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 01:42:39 EDT
>Interesting that you should bring this up. I was going to pose the same
>question. Although I personally don't watch the lines, I'm seeing the
>situation through different eyes. I'm training a rookie who had major
>problems that the course was chalked on the outside in addition to smaller
>cones. Because of this, she hit cones on every run. Granted that this was 
>first big event, she has been doing better and not hitting cones locally. I
>can see how rookies who travel out of the region and even the old fossils
>could have a problem picking up the course thinking that the chalk is on 
>inside when it's on the outside. Believe me, I do not teach her to follow
>lines. If this is going to be the way nationals chalks courses and our goal
>is to train nationally competitive drivers, then we need to be doing it 
>the rest of the WORLD.
>So Charlie, add this to the agenda for tuesday.

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