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Re: Got Sirota PAX analysis?

To: "Eric Salem" <>, "'Matt Murray'"
Subject: Re: Got Sirota PAX analysis?
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 14:19:38 -0600
No, no, Eric! The point of the PAX is to illustrate that it IS the Fangios 
in the Hondas and the nimrods in the Vipers. That is, money may buy you 
speed but it won't buy you talent.

--Rocky Entriken (short on talent and low on budget -- bad PAX combination)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eric Salem" <>
To: "'Matt Murray'" <>; "'AutoX'" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 9:45 PM
Subject: RE: Got Sirota PAX analysis?

> <<
> Why not?  :^)
> I hope you will have a wonderful New Year!
> Matt Murray
> Okay so let's say the Hondas are all being driven by the Matt Murray's and
> Juan Manuel Fangio's of the world and the vipers were being driven by
> nimrods? If there's a PAX for cars maybe we need a PAX for drivers?

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