Thank you, Janet, for finally admitting to who and where you are --
AFTER Mary Ankeny told the rest of us, because you wouldn't do it
yourself. I agree with you that we've run this issue into the ground
and need to move on to other things.
However, I would also use this discussion to offer this thought:
Before any of us flame anybody else on this list, let's make d*mned sure
that we have done our homework and discussed the issue PERSONALLY with
that other person to the point that there is no more discussion to be
had BEFORE we post to the rest of the group.
I say this because I learned, myself, how painful it is to be on the
receiving end of a flame job. A couple of years ago, I posted what I
thought was a perfectly legitimate question about an issue that somebody
else had raised. That person flamed me unmercifully on this list until
the rest of you came to my defense. I'm proud to say that the person
who did the flaming and I are now GOOD FRIENDS. And I hope we stay that
way for a long time to come. But we're friends because we took the
issue off-line and discussed it between ourselves. And I certainly hope
that the rest of you will do the same in the future.
And, Janet -- I CERTAINLY hope that you (and everybody else) can put all
of this discussion behind us so you can bring that 350Z of yours out to
as many events as possible. There are, literally, hundreds of people on
this list who would love to add you to our autox ranks and help you in
any and every way we can.
John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman
J J wrote:
> My name is Janet, I live in Ca. Was planning to run my 350z in BS. I
> would like to thank those who reponded favorably to me.Those of you
> who claim to have spoken with Guy and that he said I could return it
> IT!! I would like to table this dicussion at this time.