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Re: Buyer Beware! Guy Ankeny & Guy Ankeny Racing

To: J J <>
Subject: Re: Buyer Beware! Guy Ankeny & Guy Ankeny Racing
From: Scott Troyer - DDR TestEng <>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 10:14:48 -0700

I find your email inflamatory and completely offensive.  Guy Ankeny 
happens to be a respected
member of our autocross community.  While I personally haven't done 
business with him, I know
many satisfied people who have. To make such an inflamatory statement on 
this list I strongly
feel you should

1)  State clearly who you are.
2) State clearly what the problem is and back up your statements with fact.

Otherwise, you assertations hold no water.

Scott Troyer
Snake River SCCA

J J wrote:

> I had posted to this list looking for autoX advice as I am new. I was 
> contacted via this list by Guy Ankeny. He offered to sell me shocks 
> and an exhaust for my stock class car. I asked if the exhaust was smog 
> legal and legal for the class and he said it was. He also said that he 
> built the exhaust and it added 10 hp.Guy said he would refund my money 
> if I was NOT happy with the exhaust. Naively I took him for his word. 
> After all a SCCA member wouldn't cheat another member, RIGHT!
> I installed the exhaust and it is not legal for street. I asked for a 
> refund and he refused. Please learn from my mistake! Do NOT buy from 
> him! He doesn't keep his word. Please feel free to contact me for details.

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