>Charlie Davis wrote:
> You make a good point. Unfortunately, the wording in the S2RB predates
the complicated situation we now have. Who determines "normal" service
manual collection..? I think of the "service manual" as including all
publications required to repair or service the car, and that would include
OBD II on current cars. I think if it's protested, it would be up to the
protestee to have it or have access to it. I can see the possibility of
protest committees allowing a protestee some time to come up with
First, the OBD2 issue, I really don't see that anything in the OBD2
supplement would help settle a protest issue. If a DTC had been set it
could be read with any number of scanners and the code easily identified as
to its nature and definition. The question I have is; is a DTC for say, an
innoperable knock sensor, or rich exhaust, or other such things evidence of
an illegal car and therefore sufficient grounds for disqualification? I
don't think so but it could be used as a tool to track down an illegal mod.
But then, the way OBD2 works, if you set a code for one of those things the
system typically goes into a failure management mode (safe mode) which
reduces engine power until the code is cleared. So in most instances,
trying to trick the system results in reduced power and that defeats the
The manual issue is one that most people don't think about except from their
own point of view. "Why should I have to have a manual when _he_ is
protesting me? _He_ should have to provide the documentation to prove me
illegal". The purpose of the manual requirement is to resolve protests in
a timely and equitable manner, therefore it is that perspective from which
it must be considered. If everyone is required to have a service manual for
their car then everyone has to share the burden equally and the necessary
documentation is available at the event. If the burden of evidence were
placed on the protestor then the barrier to protest would be too high and
"self policing" aspect of our sport would cease to function. Remember too
that if the documentation required is beyond that in the factory service
manual then the burden of proof shifts to the protestor.
For those cars that service manuals may not be available there may be an
alternative. Perhaps SCCA can get a deal on a subcription to ALLDATA.
Alldata would have most of the required information, for all but the newest
cars, available online.
Steve Hoelscher
#27 DSP