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Re: Portage Grand Prix?

To: "Fred Schwarz" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Portage Grand Prix?
From: Sam & Greg Scharnberg <>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 17:24:30 -0600

I didn't see anyone answer this so here is my best recollection.

It was last run in the middle to late 80s. (I have trophies from 82, 85 and 
87) As far as I know, the Autocross event has not run since.  I don't know 
about the town's celebration.

They did use the same course every year and I think that was one of the big 
attractions.  Also, street events are a blast!  Too bad they are, for all 
intents and purposes, a dying breed.

I think that risk is the main reason they are going.  The last one I ran 
was in Knoxville, Iowa at the same time as the World of Outlaws Knoxville 
Nationals in 94 and 95.  The liability insurance was about $3,500.00 for 
the one day event.

Also, at an event in Nebraska a Firebird lost control and went into a crowd 
of spectators.  Several went to the hospital including one or more 
children.  At least at a race track there are barricades to protect 
spectators.  We all know that we run at our own risk but we should never 
put others at risk.

Someone will correct me if I wrong.

Greg Scharnberg

At 11:41 AM 2/3/2004 -0600, Fred Schwarz wrote:
>Does anybody out there know if the Portage Grand Prix is still run every
>year in Portage, IN. If so, who or what is the contact (I know this isn't an
>SCCA club event). Do they still use the same courses year after year like
>they used to? If it isn't run anymore, when/why did it stop?

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