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Re: regulating boost limits in SP, let's discuss (calmly and

Subject: Re: regulating boost limits in SP, let's discuss (calmly and
From: Erik Van-der-Mey <>
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 17:43:50 -0600
At 3:39 PM -0800 12/12/03, Ian McCloghrie wrote:
>On Dec 12, 2003 Erik Van-der-Mey wrote:
>>  from monitoring my boost pressure that my "stock" boost level is in
>>  the area of 0.8 bar (about 11-12 psi) above atmospheric. The service
>Some cars (such as many Audis) regulate manifold pressure to an absolute
>level, not a relative one, to compensate for altitude.  So while an
>Audi S4 might have 9 psi of boost at sea level, it could be up to 12psi
>in Denver.

Probably why all of the measurements in the ECU are in absolute 
pressure (i.e. 2.2 bar max) and that the ECU also monitors 
atmospheric pressure as a variable as well.

Erik Van-der-Mey                   
2002 VW Silver Hare                     

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