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Re: regulating boost limits in SP, let's discuss (calmly and

To: "Robert C. Christensen" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: regulating boost limits in SP, let's discuss (calmly and
From: Erik Van-der-Mey <>
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2003 10:33:38 -0600
At 6:34 AM -0600 12/12/03, Robert C. Christensen wrote:
>Part of the problem, as I see it, is that I doubt that many factory turbo
>cars list the "stock boost level" or even a range, anywhere in the service
>manual.  They may be advertised, but I don't think that they are listed in
>the service manual.

The service manual for my VW GTI with the 1.8T lists only a pressure 
range that the boost level should normally operate under. No mention 
of what the "stock" boost pressure is set at from the factory. I know 
from monitoring my boost pressure that my "stock" boost level is in 
the area of 0.8 bar (about 11-12 psi) above atmospheric. The service 
manual states that the pressure level range maximum is 2.2 bar (i.e. 
1.2 bar above atmospheric). I know that aftermarket 1.0 bar ECU 
software will get me an increase of about 35 hp and 72 ft-lbs. of 
torque!! (<>). 
My competitors would certainly notice that change if I were to make 
it. And that would still give me 0.2 bar margin to possibly play with.

BTW, ECU software can now be "downloaded" via the diagnostics port. 
Don't even have to crack open the ECU (which for my car lists at 
$2300 -- really -- I have the printout from a dealer parts dept. in 
case someone were to ever protest my ECU).

If you were to approach this from a rules standpoint, then an 
either/or condition might be in order -- much like in Street Touring 
-- Example: you can alter the fuel pressure regulation system either 
via mechanical means OR electronic means, but not both.

For a theoretical boost modification rule in SP (DISCLAIMER: thinking 
out loud here...):

You can "modify" the boost pressure level either via either of these 
two methods (both of which should require retaining the OE exhaust 
header/turbo/wastegate assembly) assembly:

Method A: (mechanical - parts changes) alternate downpipe/cat, intake 
manifold changes (silicone hoses, turbo inlet pipe, remove OE 
airbox/filter), larger intercooler -- but use OE ECU and software (no 
electronic boost controller or piggback controllers allowed).

Method B: (electronic), ECU software changes/electronic boost 
controller -- but MUST RETAIN OE intake/exhaust components up to and 
including the cat. Cat back exhaust is still allowed (as it is in 
Stock class).

Erik Van-der-Mey                   
2002 VW Silver Hare                     

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