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Solo Stats ~ 2003

To: ".Team.Net" <>
Subject: Solo Stats ~ 2003
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2003 17:43:17 -0600
with any luck at all, I'll have the 2003 update to "Solo Stats" ready to
mail out by next weekend.

Or, as the merchants like to say, in time for Christmas giving! :-)

"Solo Stats" is the compendium of records from the Solo II Nationals over
the past 31 years. More than 300 pages. Record book, listing of all
champions (including "supplemental" classes -- they're all champions in my
book, literally), regional & divisional championship and trophy records, the
Silver Circle, the  Who's Who points list (bragging rights!), and the Alpha
Lists which include the record of every driver who has ever run Nationals
ever. Also, Your Personal Record -- a personalized section in the front
devoted to your own efforts (or the recipient of your gift).

If anyone is interested It's $40, shipping included. It goes out Priority
Mail so should be there in time to put under the tree.

All I need is a mailing address. I include an invoice with the book and you
pay from that.

If it's to be a gift, tell me who it's for so I'll do the personal record
for that person.

--Rocky Entriken

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  • Solo Stats ~ 2003, Rocky Entriken <=