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Re: Wheels failing, was: VR-6 Wheel Fit

To: Teamdotnet <>
Subject: Re: Wheels failing, was: VR-6 Wheel Fit
From: Matt Murray <>
Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 21:02:03 -0500
So sue me. You get what you pay for.

I suspect you need to cut back on your cappuccino today.

Best you filter my email address.

Try "failure to maintain the coating or surface of the wheel."

>From Merriam-Webster:
Main Entry: fail7ure
Pronunciation: 'fA(&)l-y&r
Function: noun
Etymology: alteration of earlier failer, from Anglo-French, from
Old French faillir to fail
Date: 1643
1 a : omission of occurrence or performance; specifically : a
failing to perform a duty or expected action b : a state of
inability to perform a normal function <kidney failure> -- 
compare HEART FAILURE c : a fracturing or giving way under stress
<structural failure>
2 a : lack of success b : a failing in business : BANKRUPTCY
3 a : a falling short : DEFICIENCY <a crop failure> b :
4 : one that has failed

Matt Murray
>From the link I posted from WABC:

"So Jason started a web site to rant about his rims. He says a
group of other VW owners have complained to him that their rims
are rotting too. "

This is the complete story:
This is Jason Puzio's weekly ritual: Scrubbing his tire rims. But
no matter how much Jason scrubs, it just won't wash away.

Jason Puzio, Volkswagen Owner: "it just kind of eats away at the
metal. It's just corroding and I mean, that's the only way to
describe it."

The corrosion is on three of his four tire rims and Jason says
its slowly eating away the metal.

Jason's Jetta is a special edition- only 5,000 were sold. They
feature expensive rims that run about $450 apiece. But when Jason
asked Volkswagen to replace them..

Puzio, Volkswagen Customer: "The only thing I've gotten back is
just phone calls and letters saying sorry you're out of

So Jason started a web site to rant about his rims. He says a
group of other VW owners have complained to him that their rims
are rotting too.

Austin Murphy, Volkswagen Customer: "There's white corrosion
coming from the back of the spoke."

Austin Murphy bought his GTI less than two years ago. Volkswagen
has already acknowledged a problem with his car's rims, offering
GTI owners a free professional cleaning. But Austin says it's not

Austin Murphy, Volkswagen Customer: "The finish is defective,
it's damaged so any amount of cleaning isn't going to repair it."

But after Seven On Your Side showed Volkswagen pictures of the
rotting rims they changed their policy. Now VW will replace rims
on a case by case basis, whether or not the car is still under

Both Austin and Jason have been offered brand new rims to replace
the corroded ones. Volkswagen tells us they have gotten only
sixty complaints to them. But if you have a corrosion problem
with your rims, call VW of America customer service and mention
you saw the story on ABC-7.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Abe Potter" <>

> Cosmetic deterioration is one thing, but failures?
> Structural failure of wheels is a horrendously bad situation
that no
> contemporary auto manufacturer would choose to accept. US
consumers tend to
> be a bit litigious, no?
> You, Mr. Murray, used the word "failing" in the subject of this
thread. My
> point is that you are misrepresenting the nature of the wheel
complaints in
> your local TV station story.
> Someone, please point out if I am misunderstanding something
> Abe
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Matt Murray" <>

> > Here's the link.
> >
> >
> >
> > I preceived from the story that the guy was good about
> > his car clean.
> >
> > You don't think it snows in Germany, do you?  :^)
> >
> > Matt Murray
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----- 
> > From: "Abe Potter" <>
> > > Hey Matt,
> > >
> > > I missed the place in the story where the failures were
> > mentioned. Failures?
> > >
> > > Clear-coated aluminum wheels that are driven in salty
> > look like hell
> > > after a few years. What's new? I hope that whiny guy in the
> > story doesn't
> > > open his hood and look at all the corroded aluminum and
> > magnesium in there!
> > >
> > > I'll admit that I'm kind of biased about Volkswagen's
> > but I don't
> > > think this is a Volkswagen issue. For instance, the
> > clear-coated wheels on
> > > my wife's Grand Cherokee look not-so-good after it's former
> > life in the Salt
> > > Lake City area. That's life where the weather sucks. So we
> > moved.
> > >
> > > BTW, we haven't gotten one wheel corrosion complaint at the
> > largest VW
> > > dealer in North America, Santa Monica.  And we're right by
> > beach!
> > >
> > > Abe (The weather was nice here today, like every day. )

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