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Re: Tasha Fund, The Check Is In The Mail

To: Matt Murray <>
Subject: Re: Tasha Fund, The Check Is In The Mail
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 18:40:31 -0600
Great job, Matt, on shepherding such a worthwhile cause.

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

Matt Murray wrote:

> All:
> I am sending out the checks and money orders (cash, I am making
> it part of the check we are sending) tomorrow. The Paypal
> transfer will occur tomorrow, too. It is still not too late to
> send a contribution. Should other donations come in after
> tomorrow, I'll transfer them as they come in.
> Basically, we reached $4,000.00!!! My wife, Tammy, and I decided
> we'd make sure the fund reached $4,000.00. :^)
> So for Tasha and myself, thank you all so much for helping out.
> There is a very large repair bill to cover and I know this help
> reduce some of that cost.
> Have a great Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays to all, we'll race
> 'ya next year!!!
> Sincerely,
> Matt Murray
> Go to and send your
> contributions to
> Go to www "dot" paypal "dot" com
> and send your contributions to
> mattm "at" optonline "dot" net
> or mail to:
> 27 Old Mill Road
> Westport, CT  06880

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