We are OK here so far where I am.
Also, I am sure Paul and Heidi Taylor are also evacuated.
James Gunn-Wilkinson
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Sanford [mailto:tvrdude@netzero.net]
Sent: Mon 10/27/2003 6:45 AM
To: TCame86712@aol.com
Cc: somewhatgood@cox.net; belinda@godswhls.com; James Gunn-Wilkinson;
jason@neversoft.com; iztimbkwds@hotmail.com; shbearden@yahoo.com;
gtsolo2@cox.net; GMiddlebrook@ewalab.com; gdoganis@amcitesting.com;
zo7vette@san.rr.com; james_martin@worldnet.att.net; sojim@cox.net;
mcaggiano@olg.com; randyc2@home.com; LHracing@compuserve.com;
emiracing@mindspring.com; BobTunnell@aol.com; m.plumer@worldnet.att.net;
kchan@docscience.com; rvpurcell@cox.net; dapurcell@cox.net; jhhamm@cox.net;
tlm@mrsvlaw.com; larry.m.chan@lmco.com; mark@deckcoatingspecialists.com;
Subject: Re: Fire check
Thanks for the update Todd. This email also serves to glean the list
of dead email
TCame86712@aol.com wrote:
Finally getting around to checking my e-mail today, and here's
what I know. Last I heard, a couple of hours or so ago, Kim and Larry's house
is fine. I don't know about any one else, but Kim said Debbie wasn't very
confident about their house. They're at the Godden's place. I hope the news
about Dan and Kelli, losing their house, isn't correct. I did call there and
got a busy signal, so I don't know if that's good or bad. It had been busy for
quite a long time. George and Stacy evacuated early this morning, but when I
talked to George he was leaving with the Miata, and it seemed like the fire
might have already mostly burned past them. My parents are staying here, they
got evacuated from their place near Mission Gorge Rd. (just east of George and
Stacy's old place). Last I heard, from Kim, the Ourands were packed, but had
not yet needed to leave. I guess Scott Baker evacuated, and Kim said he stopped
at Jennifer's (by the way, Kim and Larry are at Jennifer's).
I hope everyone is okay!!