Thanks for the update Todd. This email also serves to glean the list
of dead email
Bill wrote:
> Finally getting around to checking my e-mail today, and here's what I
> know. Last I heard, a couple of hours or so ago, Kim and Larry's house
> is fine. I don't know about any one else, but Kim said Debbie wasn't
> very confident about their house. They're at the Godden's place. I
> hope the news about Dan and Kelli, losing their house, isn't correct.
> I did call there and got a busy signal, so I don't know if that's good
> or bad. It had been busy for quite a long time. George and Stacy
> evacuated early this morning, but when I talked to George he was
> leaving with the Miata, and it seemed like the fire might have already
> mostly burned past them. My parents are staying here, they got
> evacuated from their place near Mission Gorge Rd. (just east of George
> and Stacy's old place). Last I heard, from Kim, the Ourands were
> packed, but had not yet needed to leave. I guess Scott Baker
> evacuated, and Kim said he stopped at Jennifer's (by the way, Kim and
> Larry are at Jennifer's).
> I hope everyone is okay!!
> Todd