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Re: Fat Chance Garage support

To: Mark J Bradakis <>
Subject: Re: Fat Chance Garage support
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 14:58:46 -0500
I was wondering about that very thing!  My check dated 4/28 still hasn't 
cleared the bank.  I thought maybe you got hungry and ate it!!!  8<{)

Seriously, Mark, thanks for all you do to maintain not just team-dot-net 
but ALL of the many email lists that you host.  I don't know how you do 
it, but I'm sure glad that you do.

And for all the rest of you - if you haven't contributed to the cause 
yet, DO IT!!

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

Mark J Bradakis wrote:
> Gee, more nice things to say about what I do.  In truth, I still haven't
> finished dealing with the donations from the spring fund drive in April.
> As a matter of fact, I think I just opened an envelope from a Matt Murray
> a week or two ago.  I was planning to get to the last little stack of checks
> this week, I know folks who donated are probably having a bit of trouble
> balancing their checkbooks.  In addition to sending checks, one can also use
> Paypal, sending payments to or you can FAX Visa
> or Mastercard info to me at 801-355-5438.
> And I do know that the archives at are messed
> up, with the search capability behaving oddly.  I hope to get that sorted
> out this week.  One can still just browse the monthly collections, though,
> that part seems to be working fine.
> mjb.

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