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Re: Fw: SEB-Update/Backdate in STS, STX

To: Rocky Entriken <>,,
Subject: Re: Fw: SEB-Update/Backdate in STS, STX
From: Matt Murray <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 15:51:21 -0400
Hey, Dennis, I think Rocky is looking for a co-drive. Ya gonna give him 
one?  :^)

Matt Murray

At 01:40 PM 7/18/2003 -0500, Rocky Entriken wrote:

>And as for YOU! -- "I have programmed my own engine management, I do my own
>datalogging, I rebuild and revalve my own shocks..." <sigh> well I've had to
>deal with the likes of you forever -- people with the talent to build their
>own speed and then drive it well. I don't have that talent. I have to buy my
>speed and then figure out how to drive it. As a result, I think I always
>give a little away. But then, those with less talent always give something
>away. Whaaaaa. That's a backhanded compliment, Dennis. I am always a bit in
>awe of those who understand their car as well as you. As long as you are
>within the parameters of the rules, whatever advantage you derive from your
>own talent (and hard work applying it!) is earned and deserved.


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