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Re: Fw: SEB-Update/Backdate in STS, STX

To: "Matt Murray" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Fw: SEB-Update/Backdate in STS, STX
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 15:45:03 -0500
We tell the newbie to run STO.

It's our local class in Salina Region. Wichita region has it also. "Street
Touring Other." Or, run what ya brung as long as it is on ST-legal street
tires. We have one that basically is a CP car (Plymouth Roadrunner) on
street tires. Man, that street rubber is a great equalizer. The Roadrunner
is competitive, but not dominant.

I must admit I like the concept of ST -- what Danny Shields said a couple of
years ago was what SP should have been.

I agree with Eric, Stock allows too much ($800 shocks? Gimme a break!). SP
started life as simply "bolt-on options allowed" but got out of hand to
where it is no longer really streetable. ST fills the gap, but with only two
classes -- and for the life of me I still cannot really explain the
difference between S and X. SM is its own clever animal and I think I
finally figured out the difference between SM and SM2 is SM2 is for

Yes, it is all very confusing. When someone asks, "what class am I?" I don't
know what to tell him any more.

Much simpler when you had basically four levels of prep -- Stock, SP, P and
M -- but unfortunately from the get-go when they made SP they neglected to
make it a logical steppingstone between S and P. So that, even early on, you
had to undo things (notably carbs) to make an SP car a P car.

And P today? Wowee! It has become this crazy quilt where every frickin'
class seems to have its own unique set of prep rules. The anathema to using
anything in the road racing rulebook meant they had to write their own
(IMHO, accomplishing nothing, really, in the process except to pad the ego
of solo-only participants). In road racing, an EP car and an HP car are
built to the same rules. For that matter, so was an AP car when AP existed.
But in solo an AP car has its ruleset, which in no way relates to the BP
ruleset, which is different from CP, and DP, EP and FP each have their
differences too. Thus, there is really no such thing as a "prepared" car by
definition any more because what is true of AP is not true of CP and neither
is true of FP. It has virtually become, as Eric, said, an excuse to run

We've about arrived at the "I" class for everyone -- where "I" can win in
the car "I" have prepared the way "I" set it up.

Screw it. I don't care any more. My car is built to the more stable GCR
rulebook (although some in club racing would be surprised to hear it called
that). As long as I'm legal and reasonably competitive, I'm happy.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Matt Murray" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2003 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [evolution-disc.] Re: Fw: SEB-Update/Backdate in STS, STX

> So up in New England for example that newbie goes up against Nate Whipple
> in ST (4th at Nats in ST), Keith Casey (1st at Mazdfa Rev-it-up in Boston
> this weekend), Mark Daddio in SM (who will probably run MRIU in Boston and
> beat everyone). So reg or tech has an easier job classing, that might be
> doing more of a disservice to the novice.
> >On Sun, 13 Jul 2003, Dave W wrote:
> >
> > > From: Jeff Winchell <>
> > > >Here's My Top 2 List for Street Touring's popularity:
> > >
> > > Add to that the fact it's much easier to tell a newbie to run STS
> > > than try to hunt through Appendix A to see what SP class he
> > > should run. With 30 people in the registration line. At 9am.
> > > Without coffee.
> > >
> > > Dave W.
> > > BTDT
> Matt Murray

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