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Re: timing eyes

To: John Lieberman <>
Subject: Re: timing eyes
From: Kevin Stevens <>
Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2003 16:23:34 -0700
On Sunday, Jun 1, 2003, at 16:16 US/Pacific, John Lieberman wrote:

> Kevin Stevens wrote:
>> These are suitable for timing accuracy to .001?
> Not at all, Kevin!  That's why I said in my original reply that "their 
> time constant leaves a lot to be desired when compared with 
> RaceAmerica or JACircuits.  I certainly wouldn't recommend them for 
> anything above a Regional-level event, though we did use ours for a 
> few statewide (TLAC) events without any complaints.  They're certainly 
> more accurate than stopwatches!!!  8<{)
> But, as I read Carson's original request, he's just looking for 
> something to play around with while he develops a timing system.  In 
> that respect, I think they'll work just fine.  And he was quite 
> pleased with my response.
> John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

Just asking.  But it's specious to say there weren't complaints; how 
would anyone know to complain?  In your use, do you simply report times 
to the best resolution of the timing system and deal with ties as they 


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