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Re: timing eyes

To: Carson or Wendy <>
Subject: Re: timing eyes
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Sun, 01 Jun 2003 15:56:47 -0500
Here I go adding to my posting count again!!!!!  8<{)

You might want to try going to Radio Shack and getting some of their 
door-entry infrared units.  They're only good for about 30 feet and 
their time constant leaves a lot to be desired when compared with 
RaceAmerica or JACircuits.  But they're fairly cheap, reliable, and can 
be powered from either 110v AC or 12v DC.

We (Red River Region) used them quite successfully with our (VERY) old 
Taag Heuer timing system for many years before we bought our new 
RaceAmerica system.  (Thank you, Dennis!!!!)  We put them in black 
plastic mail boxes with the solid end cut off.  They were attached to 
the doors so they could be accessed for adjustment.  We also drilled 
1/4-inch holes in the top of each mail box so we could see the red LEDs 
on the Radio Shack sensors.

We found, however, that setting the mail boxes flat on the ground didn't 
work very well.  So we bought some plastic shoe boxes from Wal-Mart and 
set the mail boxes on top of them.  Then we put some flat chunks of cast 
iron inside the mail boxes to keep them from being blown away every time 
the wind picked up or a car passed.  You could do the same with sand 
bags, as long as they're flat enough to keep them out of the beam.

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman

Carson or Wendy wrote:
> Anybody know of a common source for infrared eyes to time with? Ideally 
> they would be battery powered with wires for the trigger signal. Right 
> now I want to find something cheap to play around with for the rest of 
> the season and get something respectable as our timing gear evolves. I 
> can get eyes that plug into 110 here in town but that seems awfully 
> limiting plus all the wires running around. Thanks.

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