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Prosolo National Championship format proposal

To: <>
Subject: Prosolo National Championship format proposal
From: "Charles" <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 15:30:16 -0400
Proposal for discussion:
Purpose- To determine the Prosolo national champions by head to head
competition, and provide a more equitable method of determining Championship
event entries when there are more eligible competitors than slots available.
I propose a new system where event points are only used to qualify a
competitor for the "Pro National Championship" event.
There would be two Prosolo events @ Topeka, one on each weekend surrounding
the National solo II championships.
The first weekend's event, to be called the Prosolo Finale (PF)would be a last
chance qualifier event for those not already seeded into the Pro National
The second event, called the Pro National Championship (PNC), will determine
the National Champions by their actual finishing order in that event only.
The field in the PNC will be seeded by qualifying points earned in the best 3
out of first 4 events. Points awarded the same as it is now without the bonus
The actual number of seeds in each class will be proportional to the total #
of licenses issued for that class. Prosolo license would be for a class with
mutiple class licenses at reduced rates. (Finally a REASON for the license!),
minus 2 seeds held in reserve in each class, until the entry limit was
reached. The event points will only determine entry qualifiers and have no
other bearing on the championship.
The PF would be used to fill the reserved two seeds in each class in the PNC,
and it would be open only to those who did not already qualify for the PNC on
points. Prizes and trophies would be the same as for all other prosolos, but
the top two places in each class would advance to the PNC.

This format would eliminate the problem of potential champions being shut out
of the championship event due to late entry, champions being determined by
points gained thru geographic inequities in competition levels in classes,
give those who did not score high in points at event(s) due to factors like
weather, mechanical breakdowns, developing a new car, etc. a chance to redeem
themselves at the end of the season and qualify for the championship. The PF
would also act like a "consolation" event for those who also supported the

Firesuit on, FLAME AWAY!

G/SL L1 G/S 02 Celica GT
C/S 99 Miata retired from competition

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