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Re: FM Protests...again (was: Service Manauls)

To: "Rocky Entriken" <>, "Mark J. Andy"
Subject: Re: FM Protests...again (was: Service Manauls)
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 01:19:49 -0500
Well, a PC is kinda like a jury, or an appellate court -- a group of
individuals who discuss the merits of a case and render a verdict/decision.

While it may indeed be entertaining -- perhaps even enlightening -- to know
details of the discussion, what usually comes out of such things is only
that verdict/decision. Jurors are instructed they don't need to talk about
their deliberations with anyone. Appellate and Supreme Court justices, as a
rule, do not. The PC is basically our sport's judicial system, and is
handling itself in similar manner.

It has less to do with controversy than the fact a decision has been
rendered and, at that point, any second-guessing would be moot (and often

The decision itself, however, IS public record. The Supreme Court writes
lengthy decisions, which are not further argued with but are cited as
precedent. The PC is not quite so verbose, but the decisions are posted on
the results boards in Information for anyone to read. As are appeals
decisions, if rendered during the week. And all are also in the back of the
results book.

--Rocky Entriken (journalist, not lawyer, but covered the courts beat for 10

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
To: "autox mailing list" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: FM Protests...again (was: Service Manauls)

> Howdy,
> On Tue, 24 Sep 2002 wrote:
> > As a member of the PC that has been enjoined against public discussion
> > regarding the deliberations of the Committee, I can't tell you what our
> > procedure was for checking the car.  But I will tell you that is was
> > thought out and agreed upon by all the members of the PC.  The
> > of that protest speaks for itself.
> I have no input regarding the protest or its outcome.
> That said, the above statement disturbs me.
> Why should a protest committee's thoughts not be allowed to be public?
> Are they embarrased about what they were thinking?  Trying to hide
> ignorance?
> I suspect not.  More likely I suspect is an attempt to dodge controversy.
> In fact, I bet most of us could learn a hell of a lot based on what the
> protest committee went through (_any_ protest committee).  And the
> controversy is going to happen anyway.
> I for one would like PC decisions and the reasoning behind them to be more
> public.  Given posts I've made about the one PC I was on, I suspect that
> opinion doesn't surprise many people... :-)
> Mark

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