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Re: clarifications to FM exhaust protest

To: "Glen Thompson" <>, <>
Subject: Re: clarifications to FM exhaust protest
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 20:34:39 -0500
I believe your point is correct. If the solo rules cite GCR and do not state
an exception, then the GCR rule must be completely complied with. If it
mandates a specific sound limit for the specific class of car, then it
applies absent any specific exception (and there is none at present in the
solo rules). Odd that this specific GCR rule would specify 92 when the
general GCR rule is 103. But oh, well.

Then, it would seem that if the SEB might consider modifying the Solo rule
to permit slightly longer exhaust with the silencers (the safety reason in
racing not applicable to solo), then it might also want to consider
including language referencing the sound limit to the present Solo II rule.

Of course, what's an F500 redline? The F5000 sound test is measured at 4000
rpm under no load. I'd bet 4,000 rpm is not much above idling. That same
engine at 8/9000 under load would be lots louder (but legal if under 103
while racing). I'm gonna have to go borrow our region's dB meter sometime
when I'm warming up my motor, which I do at about 3000 and I run it past
8000 on course (when I typically hit 90-94 dB).

--Rocky Entriken

----- Original Message -----
From: "Glen Thompson" <>
To: "'Rocky Entriken'" <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 7:10 PM
Subject: RE: clarifications to FM exhaust protest

> Yes - and the Solo II rules mention nothing about exhaust length.  They
> say that the F500 must be GCR legal.  The GCR requires that the exhaust
> not extend more than 24" past the rear axle AND must not exceed 92 dba in
> noise.  If the pipe restriction in the GCRs apply then the sound level
> measurement must apply also. If any of the other F500's were over 92 dba
> then they were illegal also.
> glen
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rocky Entriken []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 4:18 PM
> To: Glen Thompson;
> Subject: Re: clarifications to FM exhaust protest
> The deal with that is that there is essentially no such thing as
> "excessive
> noise" at Forbes Field. As there is no established dB limit, there is
> nothing to exceed.
> The Solo II noise rule, in essence, says loud is what the event chair
> decides is loud, and basically provides a vehicle to establish local
> limits
> if there is a local need. There is no such need at a site where jet
> tankers
> blast overhead, therefore no one is illegally loud and so no protest for
> excessive noise is possible. Remember, the two FMs with the silencer cans
> (both from the same Region, BTW), had them in response to local conditions
> back home. Remember also, in local events we can waive most of the
> rulebook,
> but at Nationals the entire book is mandatory.
> So in essence, the 24" F500 rule was waived for them back home and the
> situation was just overlooked by the drivers here. It is an easy trap to
> fall into. There were other FM drivers who run silencers back home who
> removed them here (said one, to get back the power loss the can caused, so
> compliance became advantageous according to him).
> --Rocky Entriken
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Glen Thompson" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 9:12 PM
> Subject: RE: clarifications to FM exhaust protest
> > Maybe all the other cars without mufflers should have been protested for
> > excessive noise.  If you have to comply with one part of the rule you
> have
> > to comply with all parts.
> >
> > glen
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: []On
> > Behalf Of Paul Zahornasky
> > Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 1:56 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: RE: Forwarded: clarifications to FM exhaust protest
> >
> >
> > Rule is in the GCR:
> >
> > E.15.b of the F500 rules:
> >
> > "Any exhaust pipe(s) may be used (unless otherwise specified), provided
> > they
> > meet a sound limit of 92db on the "A" scale measured fifty (50) feet
> > behind
> > the vehicle, with the engine running at a steady 4,000 RPM, without
> load.
> > Maximim exhaust length behind the rear axle centerline is twenty-four
> (24)
> > inches.  It is the intent of this rule that the exhast pipe includes the
> > exhaust manifold."

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