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Re: clarifications to FM exhaust protest

Subject: Re: clarifications to FM exhaust protest
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 10:19:23 -0400
"J. Brett Howell" <> wrote:

> Mark Andy wrote:
>> .So am I missing something?  Muffler / Stinger length on a two stroke
>> exhaust doesn't do much, if anything, to power output (as opposed to
>> the pipe itself, which has a _large_ effect).

> To the contrary everyone I talked to (including at least 2
> very knowledgeable FM competitors) came up with the opposite conclusion
> - - that a longer effective exhaust pipe could have a profound impact on
> 2-stroke motor's ability to produce torque.something that the Rotax
> motor is relatively short of compared to the AMW.

Note, however, that the rule in the GCR does not restrict TOTAL exhaust
length, but rather, the length of the exhaust behind the rear axle

I'd lay dollars to doughnuts that the intent of the rule is not to restrict
performance, but rather, to spare the guy that runs into you from behind
(this IS the GCR after all) from having his head speared like a cocktail
olive by your 6' long tuned exhaust.

As such, the rule doesn't really apply _in spirit_ to Solo2, and could in
fact (should, in fact) be sent to the SEB to amend the rule for Solo use to
accomodate mufflers etc.

HOWEVER, that doesn't excuse the competitor in this case. The GCR rule is
very cut & dried, and even if it is a bit of a vestigial tail as far as
autox is concerened, that doesn't give latitude for anyone to break it. All
rules must be followed, even the silly ones.


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