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RE: [evolution-disc.] Legible numbers (was clarifications to FM

To: Andy Hollis <>, GaryK <>,
Subject: RE: [evolution-disc.] Legible numbers (was clarifications to FM
From: Mark Sirota <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 22:29:32 -0400
--On Monday, September 16, 2002 7:13 PM -0500 Andy Hollis 
<> wrote:
> Agreed.  FM is a pathological case because the numbers are (necessarily)
> small due to very little sidepod on which to mount them.

Sidepods on Formula 500 cars must be 9-12" high (FCS page 68, rule E.9).
Plenty of room to fit an 8" high number.  And if for some reason the 
outside edge of the sidepod isn't high enough, there's no rule preventing a 
vertical surface from being mounted there on which taller numbers could be 
placed.  And there's also the side of the fuselage beside the driver, or the
larger engine cover on some cars.

Regardless, a rule is a rule...  And this one (3.7) certainly has real

> I propose uniform size, typeface, and color for all of the car's numbers.
> No mix n' match.  I also propose that covering up of permanently stickered
> numbers be done completely, not with a diagonally mounted piece of thin
> black tape.

Bravo!  (But you knew I was gonna say that.)

> Well, the rule is 4.4.C, but its open to interpretation as to what "legal"
> is in this case.  Does the car have to be re-protested if someone actually
> cared?  Or should the PC sign off on the fix?  I'm sure reasonable people
> can differ on this one.

4.4.C clearly states "withdrawn from the day's competition".  This happened
on the second day.  And 4.4.C also is about withdrawn for mechanical 
difficulty, not for DSQ.  Still, I agree with your point -- was the car
disqualified, or the driver?  From just the Tuesday runs, or from the entire
event?  I think in the future we'll have to ask the PC to be more clear on
these points.


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