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Re: [evolution-disc.] Re: Forwarded: clarifications to FM

To: "Andy Hollis" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: [evolution-disc.] Re: Forwarded: clarifications to FM
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2002 21:24:24 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andy Hollis" <>

> As a Timing Captain for the days that FM ran, I can say that much T&S
> consternation was caused by the extent to which drivers in that class
> switched numbers between the time they registered and the time they ran.
> Each of the two days, we were handed several changes to make just prior to
> the heat in which FM ran.  Unfortunately, this is not as easy as just
> jumping into the software and changing a single number since multiple
> databases have to be synchronized.  As a result, we had to translate these
> on the fly.  That means that corner worker stations and inside
> timing/penalty sheets were in conflict with the computer entries.  This
> plays havoc with the auditing process and requires yet another step
> (exception processing) to deal with.

I recall in the Monday chiefs' meeting the instruction that, for example, if
the driver of car 86 broke and he jumped into car 35, then the 35 car was
then supposed to change to 35/135. This then seems to mean that all the data
for 86 has to be changed to 135 -- and if the original car owner wants to be
135 that means changing all the data for TWO drivers.

It struck me then that this was all intended somehow to make grid flow, but
creates a helluva mess in timing.

And what about when that happens on Day One but 86 gets fixed and runs his
own car on Day Two. Do you have to undo it all?

Wouldn't it really be simpler to let the 86 driver keep on as 86, but just
enforce a GOOD number change on the car? As was mentioned, with the
availability of static cling/ lo-tak vinyl, or just taping a big piece of
paper over the original numbers, it should not be hard, and sometimes it is
as easy as popping off the magnetic 35 and putting on the magnetic 86.

Once doing grid I did just that when 86 did not have magnetics but 35 did,
so I went and borrowed an 8 and a 6 from other cars. I have also done things
[at Divisionals] like pull 35's numbers off and send the car to the line
naked with a call to timing: "This is grid, the numberless car is 86."

Idea: have a roll or big sheet of white static cling material and a FAT
black magic marker as part of the grid materials. Use that to make fix-it
numbers on the fly if magnetic changes are not easly to hand.

As for grid, you inform the 2-driver grid monitor of the situation and it is
his job to separate them. It ain't that hard (I know of one certain 2-driver
car that went out as 6 and 99, and it was planned that way from the
get-go -- and they had a full-coverage 99 that went over the 6 too!).

BTW -- I like the idea that if a car is entered with two drivers, the "1" be
the same font, size, color, etc., as the rest of the numbers. Hey, at least
the same color of tape! Also, using a quarter-inch strip of black electrical
tape does not cut it - not only does it not fit the rule, but it nicely
illustrates why there is such a rule. OTOH, there is a product, Scotch
Plastic Tape, which comes in 3/4-inch widths, several colors, and is
paint-friendly. Dandy for quickie number changes. I always carry several
rolls in my car's paint/number colors.

--Rocky Entriken

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