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Re: Well, it worked...

To: "James A. Crider" <>
Subject: Re: Well, it worked...
From: <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 13:46:15 -0700
Fantastic!! We missed you out there. 
But hooking up a job is great! Will you have to move?

BTW, it is 3:45 and still NO RAIN!! All classes ran dry and no changes in the
courses for pavement break up.

The North Course rocked (Karen babbs).

Matt Murray

On Fri, 13 Sep 2002 08:36:47 -0400 "James A. Crider"
<> wrote:

Staying home from Nationals seems to have paid off handsomely:

I start my new job on Monday.

Jim Crider

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