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Well, it worked...

Subject: Well, it worked...
From: "James A. Crider" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 08:36:47 -0400
Staying home from Nationals seems to have paid off handsomely:

I start my new job on Monday.

A significant improvement in pay from my last job is also involved.

Had a follow-up interview with the Group VP of this company yesterday
morning.  Got a call less than two hours after the end of that interview
with an offer.

Another hearty "Thank You!" to all those who so generously contributed or
pledged money to send me to Nationals this year, and to Matt Murray for
instigating that effort, even though I could not accept the invitation.  I
don't know who all of the donors and pledgers were (names), so this is a
group thank-you.  All of you are most kind and generous people, and I'm
honored to be a part of such a great group.  Matt tells me there was very
nearly $700 gathered in only a few hours -- simply amazing.

So, after 7 weeks on the "dole queue" as our UK friends say, I head back
into the workforce and should be able to resume racing next year.

Jim Crider

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