To preface: The message below was posted in a public forum. It apparently
runs in ascending order from the bottom up, finishing with my
response. And now hopefully the SEB and the rest of us will read it very
closely and realize that you guys we using vague language and smoke and
mirrors in relation to boost issues.
To whom is may concern:
Writing what is below in a public forum was the stupidest thing you could
have done. But, since you did and it's obviously not a private exchange I
think that fellow autocrossers should know the comtempt you treat me with
(yet act all nice to my face).
I have written precisely one letter to the SEB regarding CBV's, BOV's, of
whatever else you want to call them this week. That was well over a year ago.
I have never been anything more than forthcoming on my thoughts. I have
never hidden anything. Fedja has not pissed me off. I like Fedja, and
he's a hell of a driver. And FWIW, this has nothing to do with me per se,
I wanted clear rules. I'm not as dim as you seem to think I am when it
comes to turbo cars, and consequently won't tolerate the wool to be pulled
over my eyes as easily as you seem to do the rest of the Solo world. And
thank you fellas for the statement I knew, but you had the rest of the
world fooled into thinking wasn't real. "They will still try to
make all that boost that where use to make all the time now".
As you mentioned in your own little attack upon me (one I wouldn't have
known about but for some friends, since you didn't have the nerve to say it
to me), I simple asked for a CLARIFICATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you want to slap "catfish Sammy" around, bring it on. As always, I am
more than happy with the competition. BTW, Fedja has beaten my precisely
one time. And he drove very well. But to say I'm afraid is just nuts. If
I was afraid of more power do you think I'd have run SM in Florida. God
knows I don't have anywhere near the power to weight ratio or gearing of
lots of those cars.
BTW, anybody who thinks I have some hook-up to the SEB is out of you
F*cking mind. I've had my run in's with them and even Howard in the
past. Of course that was before any of you were around so I wouldn't
expect you to check you history.
For the record, I do not expect an apology. I don't even expect you to
feel like a horse's-ass (though you should). Never, AND I MEAN NEVER has
anyone with a pony car been a name caller toward you DSM guys. That is so
disgusting I can't even believe it. ESPECIALLY after trying to help you at
the test and tunes and tolerating your "shifting like a Grandma" crap I
took from you about the Evo. school. I guess that's what I deserve for
treating you and your car with respect. Don't you worry, I will never make
that mistake again. I hope you wholly and completely embarassed by both
your statements and Charles Moss's. Fedja is the only one in my mind that
conducted himself with any dignity.
Sam Strano Jr.
Strano Performance Parts
800-729-1831 orders/price info.
814-849-3450 technical info.
>--- In dsm-autox@yahoogroups, Dennis Grant wrote:
>Up until this year, the rulebook language was vague enough so that the
>1G CBV backdate could be considered legal - indeed, Howard did. But
>then someone pissed off enough Pennsylvanian ESP drivers - including
>one who is deathly afraid that someone, somewhere has an advantage
>over him - and they wrote the SEB asking that a clarification get into
>the rulebook, and it did.
>Now, if y'all want to come over to SM, that's completely OK with me
>(even you, Fedja & Eric - although, damn, I'd love to see you two
>slap Catfish Sammy around this year) But hopping the fence solely
>because of the recent rules shenannigans is jumping out of the plane
>just before it lands.
>--- End forwarded message ---
>--- In dsm-autox@yahoogroups, Fedja wrote:
>Do you really think that DSM with about 50 foot pounds of torque less
>than it has right now has a chance against cars that have 300 at the
>And by the way, do you have any idea how many turbos we would have to
>go for a season due to the leak in the CBV? They will still try to
>make all that boost that where use to make all the time now and I
>would say a month would be a good life span for those pure things!
>SM looks much more natural at this time man!! Sorry! :)
>--- End forwarded message ---
>--- In dsm-autox@yahoogroups, Charles Moss wrote:
>If this was half way through the season it would be different, then
>that would be upsetting the balance, changing the status quo. And I
>agree, that would not be a good thing. But the season's barely
>started - and hadn't when the SEB had the chance - so they could have
>taken that opportunity to send a message to the SCCA community that
>they will not be hoodwinked or misled. But they didn't. So I'm still
>left with inescapable conclusion that the SEB wants "a certain
>person" to have the best possible chance of getting a jacket.
>That's where the bullshit lies.
>--- End forwarded message ---
>--- In dsm-autox@yahoogroups, Eric Stemler wrote:
>As far as I can tell, NOTHING has changed in the rulebook. The vague
>language from 2001 lives on. A "reminder" in FasTrack that anything
>which "serves" to limit boost cannot be modified is not much of a
>clarification. The big question is what will be clarified next?
>Intake piping? Pressure tap locations?
>I, for one, will not be running in SP with a turbo car until the turbo
>system is completely defined without a shadow of a doubt.
>--- End forwarded message ---
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