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Re: [Solo2Atlanta] Why most autocrossers don't want their sport

To: <>
Subject: Re: [Solo2Atlanta] Why most autocrossers don't want their sport
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 12:22:02 -0600 wrote:

>You have very eloquently voiced the majority opinion of the status quo in
>SCCA Solo II.

If it is truly your belief that the majority of us prefer the status quo over 
what you propose (that is my belief, BTW), then just what is your justification 
for thinking that you know better than we?

>But, do you seriously believe that drag
>racer or circle track demographics reflect a higher number of "serious"

Probably not. But there is a difference between the local roundy-round and drag 
race guys and us: it's called a "paying audience." They've had it since the 
50s. We've _never_ had it.

>However, what they have is a fan base interested in
>following their sports. Why? Because the public sees them on TV and the
>word is out where and when their events take place.

Bzzzzt. Wrong. Oval and drag racing had a "fan base" (see "paying audience" 
above) many years before it was possible to watch those sports on TV.

>As a side note, we
>have an astounding number of people driving by, stopping to watch our
>events in Atlanta. And they enjoy what they see.

Good. The next step is to invite them to enter your next event. There's nothing 
wrong with a little "drive-up" business.

>Having said all this, I really don't expect to convince the autocross
>audience on these lists.

As Rich Fletcher said in his oft-reposted treatise on the price of getting our 
sport on television, "Be careful what you wish for. You might get it." That 
about sums it up for me.


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