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Controlling Growth ( was re: Solo on TV )

To: autox list <>
Subject: Controlling Growth ( was re: Solo on TV )
From: David Hillman <>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 11:22:24 -0500 (EST)
Chris Eckles <> wrote.
> Man, G.H., you hit the nail on the head.  Ben and I have discussed this
> before. . .  My claim being that in Atlanta, I could have 400-500 people
> show up at the next event if I wrote a nice article with pictures in the
> local paper.  We are quite happy at the just-under-200 per event level
> now.
> And because the Atl region (not me, them) is so good at putting on
> events, we get 4 runs.  Double the number of people, and bad things
> happen.

   The other side of that coin is, what would happen if autocrossing could
grow beyond our current limitations?

   Take drag racing for example; what would happen if all the drag racers
were limited to one or two tracks, that were only open on Sunday, one or
two times a month?  It'd be mass hysteria!

   Fortunately, there are drag strips all over this country, and they're
open all weekend and even on weeknights.  If you want to go drag racing,
you have pick which track and which day of the week... or just go 7 times
a week.

   As an autocrosser, I think that'd be a nice problem to have.

   Hypothetically, if there were enough demand, an autocross facility
holding 2 events each weekend for 100 drivers at $30/each would gross over
a quarter million dollars annually.  Plus concessions, spectators, and
advertising.  Plus weeknights for testing?

   I know, file under: Pipe Dream.

 D a v i d  H i l l m a n

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