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RE: so much for the petition

To: <>
Subject: RE: so much for the petition
From: "Paul Zahornasky" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 17:37:16 -0400
Did anyone actually READ the entire article before hitting the keyboards?

In the last two paragraphs, the NASCAR guys even admit that they cannot do
100% Nascar.  There is only so much that you can do, and it probably will
not be enough to fill 24/7 worth of programing.  Take out the airplane
stuff, the boat stuff, the infomercials, and maybe even some of the really
bad auto shows and you have plenty of time left to put in a ton of

Maybe what interests us doesn't get prime time airing.  That's what VCR's
are for.

Keep in mind that not every cable system carries SV.  Mine doesn't, and it
is one of the reasons that I do not have cable (the fact that I travel on
business and am rarely home is another.)  With this change, there will be
more appeal for cable systems to carry the channel (because of a probable
increase in viewers) , giving more viewers with our tastes to watch the
channel and hopefully, through ratings, get programing that we like.

Paul Zahornasky

Tries to stay in hotels that have SV.

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