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Re: Classing (new AS)

To: autox <>
Subject: Re: Classing (new AS)
From: "Burns, James B." <>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 10:28:21 -0400
- ----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Johnson <>

> Having (almost) weaned myself from these lists,
> it takes something pretty extraordinary for me to
> make a post .  .  .  .  .  .
> .  . .  . and y'all have done it.


> I cannot conceive of *ANY* set of circumstances that
> would have the C4 Corvette or the F-Body tuner cars
> nationally competitive in the proposed A/S for 2002
> and beyond.

It's conceivable to me.  If you look at the SS class prior to the C5, the
RX7TT and C4 were the top cars in the class.  The RX7TT was usually on top,
but the C4s were very close.  With the RX7TT and C5 in SS and the C4 in AS,
it seems logical that the C4 would be the top car in that class.  Unless, of
course, the Boxster S ends up there too.

and Jamie wrote:
>NSX?  Telepathic handling, but not enough torque.  

The main complaint I've heard about these is that the gearing is not good
for autox.  However, this applied to the 5-speed cars.  I don't know of
anyone who has really tried to autox a 6-speed NSX competitively.

>Porsche 911/993 (non-turbo)?  The other car that the matters in the new AS.

In the old classing, these seemed to be too good for AS but not a top car in
SS, so I think they will still be outclassed by the C4.

>Supra Turbo?  Certainly regionally.  Maybe nationally...but I'd still bet
>the 'Vette or the Porsche.

Same comments as the 993.  The new classing was supposed to provide a place
for these cars that were between AS and SS such as the Supra TT, NSX, and
993.  But I'm afraid that it will be a spec C4 class, except for the
Boxsters (depending on how they get classed).  I don't know how else to
divide them up, though, without creating even more classes.

Brad Burns
'97 M3 (which nobody has mentioned as a good car for the new BS)

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