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Subject: Roadsters
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 17:47:46 -0500
National results says Don Miller is right, it's the SRL311 Datsun hands 

Of the new cars I've been in as a 6'3" , 230 lb. guy.

The Z3 is impossibly small, can't see through the top of the windshield, 
seat won't adjust far enough for knees to clear steering wheel,etc.
Boxster is nice fit, plenty of power and great brakes.
S2000 (I only have about 70 AX runs in Roger Johnson's) is fast, quick and 
fairly easy to drive compared to a FP car that isn't setup properly.
Miata is a very tight fit, almost like driving Malibu Gran Prix cars but 
not as tight as say a 968 or the Z3.  It is the most forgiving car I've 
ever driven.
MR2S actually has more room for the driver than the Miata, but they are 
close in fit.  I've only done two runs in one at a Novice school.  The car 
felt very nimble and better mannered than the NA MR2's I've driven.  I 
personally think it could be fast if it weren't such a toy car.  No trunk, 
etc.  Not many people will buy one since they would truly be a second car 
at best.

Oh yes as a 67.5 SPL311 owner, it has a polar nanosecond, not a polar 
moment.  8^)

James Rogerson 
[FP #125] - Techless Racing
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"Men that like golf are unhappy at home and incapable of having a 
meaningful relationship with women" - Joseph Heller 
"The people who vote decide nothing. The people who count the vote decide 
     - Josef Stalin. 

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