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Re: Speedvision's Viewer Videos

To:, "Murray, Matthew D." <>
Subject: Re: Speedvision's Viewer Videos
From: Matt Murray <>
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 22:08:59 -0400
Matt Murray

----- Original Message -----
> chain said "this thing has to air, make it so!" and the producer set up
> decks and the Avid and went to it.

Actually, it was a legal thing. Once you start a contest, you must complete

> The SRF rainy-track pinball video was fine, too -- again,
> controlled environment, safety equipment visible, etc.  That's quite a bit
> different from a guy on a ZX-11 doing a minute-long burnout donut in the
> middle of a 2-lane road while oncoming traffic has to stop and wait for
> to finish showing off for his camcorder-toting pals, another guy jumping
> his dirt bike over a 4-lane road, or a guy jumping a Pinto over a dirt
> in his backyard.

Alan should've jumped the Miata. :^)

> someone -- I'll admit to watching an episode or two of "Ship Shape" on a
> Sunday morning just to see what it was all about.

I was okay with everything up until this. Shit Shape is just that.
I hate that frickin' show. Sorry to sugar coat it.

> Fair enough -- although I'd prefer it if you forwarded the message to one
> of the programming execs,

They won't give a rat's patootie.

> Jim Crider

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