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Re: "new" scca logo - proposal

To: "Eric Salem" <>, <>
Subject: Re: "new" scca logo - proposal
From: "Alan Pozner" <>
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 20:31:40 -0400

I think you are onto something. We could then just have two classes CH and
NCH (Cup Holders and No Cup Holders).

Of course knowing the way things work after a few years there would be class
fragmentation with 1CH 2CH 3CH 4CH ( One Cup Holder, Two Cup Holders, etc)
and NCH-NGB NCH-NAC NCH-NMP ( No Cup Holders - No Glove Box, No Cup
Holders - No AC, No Cup Holders - No Map Pockets) Then some wiseguy like
Dennis Grant will need a class to run his non-stock 5 Cup Holder car and
we'll end up with CHM (Cup Holder Modified).

On second thought, Eric, keep your ideas to yourself :-)

Alan "grocery getter" Pozner

----- Original Message -----
From: Eric Salem <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 8:09 PM
Subject: RE: "new" scca logo - proposal

> Here's an idea:
> Let's break all SCCA memberships into two catagories.  Your participating
> category must be clearly stated on your person and on your car. These
> catagories would be Cupholder Cars and Pre-Cupholder Cars.
> e
> One with, one without
> (What good is cupholder if it can't keep that 12-ounce can from spilling
> a hard turn.)
> >Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 10:55:31 -0500
> >From: "George Ryan" <>
> >Subject: Re: "new" scca logo
> >
> >Why a poll? I was just stating that Mr. Davison was quoting from an SCCA
> >source, and the info (as usual) was tainted and false.
> Here, verbatim, is the only thing from that article you could be referring
> to:
> 'The original wire wheel is based on the classic Rudge wire wheel found on
> many classic sports cars of the 1920s and 30s. The Sports Car Club of
> America was founded to preserve and maintain classic sporting cars from
> vintage era and has become the nation's largest sports car organization
> races, rallies and solo events staged around the country'
> How is that tainted or false?  He said the club was FOUNDED to
> preserve/maintain the relics, and has BECOME the largest sports car
> organization.  NOWHERE in there does it say that there will always be a
> place to take obselete machinery and be competitive.  In fact, there was
> nothing stated about racing dinosaurs at all.  What the hell does racing
> have to do with preserving and maintaining classic sports cars?  And just
> because the club was founded to do that, there is nothing to prevent the
> club's focus from changing, as it has.  Don't get me wrong--I have a great
> appreciation for classic sports cars, but your perspective is skewed from
> reality.
> >So what do you think a "poll" would accomplish? Are you looking for a
> >demographic base? Seems that the grocery getters would win, since the
> >classing structure favors them, that is what the majority have bought in
> >order to be competitive. So in that light, I yield.
> Your logic is, for lack of a better word, crap.  The majority of
> autocrossers out there autocross cars that can be reliably street driven
> because the cars serve a dual purpose.  THAT is why they drive modern,
> reliable, comfortable 'grocery getters', not that mean, evil, unfair
> classing scheme.
> >It still does not preclude the fact that the SCCA has intentionally
> >their backs on their roots, and those roots are the sports cars, much as
> >their name implies.
> How so?  Sports cars, even those of vintage variety, still compete in
> all of the SCCA's competitive venues.
> >The solution would be to re-structure so that the older cars have a place
> >to
> >play that they CAN be competitive as well as the newer cars, not
> >so they have to play together (where the newer grocery getters DO have
> >advantage, in most cases).
> Hmmm...sounds like you want to make a slew of under-subscribed classes?
> Yeah, that's definitely the solution.  It seems to me that there are many
> marque clubs and vintage organizations that do exactly this.  If you need
> be part of an organization that makes it so that the old cars always get
> win, maybe looking there would be better for you.
> >Or better yet, score and time the driver, and not the car. Of course,
> >would take some forward thinking. And your club is incapable of doing
> Seems to me this is already done to some extent with the PAX and RTP
> indexes.  I guess the problem there is those indexes are based on the
> biased classing structure, though, eh?  What you want to see, the
> of old cars that fell from favor with mainstream auto enthusiasts, is far
> from forward thinking, so who are you to accuse?
> The SCCA may have faults, but it provides me with a venue to enjoy
> motorsports that is not out of reach financially.  An overt attack on the
> SCCA with no logical basis truly angers me.
> -dave
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