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Re: Ah, "Pro"-Solo again

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: Re: Ah, "Pro"-Solo again
From: "Jamie Sculerati" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000 23:02:32 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: Benjamin D Thatcher <>

> Now, what to do? In my opinion, run head to head on the same course like
> we did at NOPI Nationals in 1999. This format runs cars directly against
> each other on the exact same course. Whoever crosses the finish line
> first wins. Refine it with timing and a handicapping tree and you'd have
> a TV winner. However, then we have to find a bigtime sponsor to lay out
> the bucks to put together a half hour TV format that really jazzes the
> concept. Matt Murray knows how to do this.

Focus on the next-to-last sentence.  Forget course design, forget classing,
forget Matt's talents behind the TV -- it's $$$$$$$$$$.  And frankly, much
as I love flogging cars around cones, I can't think of a market our sport
offers any sponsor to make it worth laying out that kind of money.  By
design, we don't try and attract spectators -- and I can't think of any
spectator-less sport which has migrated to TV.  The products we use are more
cheaply advertised to the masses via other means -- we don't use anything
terribly unique (no, traffic cones don't count! :) )  As I mentioned a few
days back, even big-time auto racing -- NASCAR, CART, F1 -- would probably
be shadows of themselves if it hadn't been for some timely government
intervention in advertising.  I suppose if RJR-Nabisco and Phillip Morris
are booted out of U.S. racing, the SCCA can always play the "autocross isn't
racing" card.  Winston Cup autocrossing...hmmm.  (No, I'm NOT being

> If Denver is interested in developing this concept, I'm willing to offer
> my experience in putting together such a format. Rocky Entriken, who
> developed the original Mirrorkhana concept, should be in on that
> development, also.

With all due respect, Denver would do far better to increase print coverage
of autocross.  It costs far less to produce, and print media are usually
hungry for material, especially if it comes in a format requiring little or
no rework.  Besides, I've seen myself on TV, and I look *terrible....*

Jamie (doesn't look so hot in photos, either)
'92 Prelude Si
Speed Demon Racing

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