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RE: highway on ramps

To: "Rick Brown" <>, ""
Subject: RE: highway on ramps
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 14:09:23 -0800
Right - now you have vehicles pulling in front of you with a speed differential
of up to 60mph.  Much better idea.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Rick Brown
> Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2000 13:51
> To:
> Subject: Re: highway on ramps
> > He also wants to eliminate the HOV lanes.
> Being a solo driver I never thought much about HOV (car pool) lanes except
> when traffic is backed up and they were empty, but that is rare now.  Now I
> appreciate every car NOT in the regular lanes with me.  Now I do most of my
> daily 30 mile commute on a motorcycle and here in California motorcycles are
> allowed in the car pool lanes.  This I really like:  controlled access so
> less chance of a car pulling into my lane without seeing me;  and you don't
> see bikes splitting lanes very often anymore - something I was never
> comfortable with anyway.
> Rick Brown
> FP 240Z
> Yamaha FZ750

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